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The reconstruction of evolutionary dynamics of processed pseudogenes indicates deep silencing of "retrobiome" in naked mole rat

2 months ago
Approximately half of mammalian genomes are occupied by retrotransposons, highly repetitive interspersed genetic elements expanded through the mechanism of reverse transcription. The evolution of this "retrobiome" involved a series of explosive amplifications, presumably associated with high mutation rates, interspersed with periods of silencing. A by-product of retrotransposon activity is the formation of processed pseudogenes (PPGs)-intron-less, promoter-less DNA copies of messenger RNA...
Valeria Kogan

Chronic polypharmacy, monotherapy, and deprescribing: Understanding complex effects on the hepatic proteome of aging mice

2 months ago
Polypharmacy (use of ≥5 concurrent medications) is highly prevalent among older adults to manage chronic diseases and is linked to adverse geriatric outcomes, including physical and cognitive functional impairments, falls, frailty, hospitalization, and mortality. Deprescribing (withdrawal) is a potential strategy to manage polypharmacy. The broad molecular changes by which polypharmacy causes harm and deprescribing may be beneficial are unknown and unfeasible to study rigorously in tissue from...
Kevin Winardi

Aging alters the effect of adiponectin receptor signaling on bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells

2 months ago
Adiponectin receptor signaling represents a promising therapeutic target for age-related conditions such as osteoporosis and diabetes. However, the literature presents conflicting evidence regarding the role of adiponectin signaling in bone homeostasis and fracture repair across different health states, ages, and disease conditions. These inconsistencies may arise from the complex endocrine and paracrine feedback mechanisms regulating adiponectin, as well as the variability in adiponectin...
Hanghang Liu