Fall Books 2024
Science, Volume 385, Issue 6714, Page 1158-1163, September 2024.
International postdocs in the U.S. are short-changed—in more ways than one
Postdocs who hold temporary visas are paid less and receive less career development and guidance than U.S. citizens, new study finds
AI chatbot shows promise in talking people out of conspiracy theories
The imperturbable bot succeeds where humans usually fail, experiment finds
Arctic ecosystems get long-term look with drifting research station
Riding on top of sea ice, domed vessel will carry crews on 2-year-long polar voyages
U.S. state composting laws are mostly trash—except for one, study finds
First analysis of laws on composting food finds that tough regulations, like those in Massachusetts, work
Strong El Niños primed Earth for mass extinction
Extreme weather sparked by ocean shifts set stage for Great Dying 250 million years ago
DORQ-seq: high-throughput quantification of femtomol tRNA pools by combination of cDNA hybridization and Deep sequencing
Due to its high modification content tRNAs are notoriously hard to quantify by reverse transcription and RNAseq. Bypassing numerous biases resulting from concatenation of enzymatic treatments, we here report a hybrid approach that harnesses the advantages of hybridization-based and deep sequencing-based approaches. The method renders obsolete any RNAseq related workarounds and correction factors that affect accuracy, sensitivity, and turnaround time. Rather than by reverse transcription,...
Impact of 6-hydroxydopamine on agonist-induced human platelet functional parameters: An explanation for platelet impairment in Parkinson's disease
Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second-most prevalent neurodegenerative disease worldwide, which worsens with advancing age. It is a common movement disorder and is often associated with several vascular diseases with decreased stroke frequency. Circulating platelets substantially regulate vascular complications, including stroke, and share striking similarities with PD neurons. Although structural alterations in platelets are well-documented in PD, their functional parameters remain unclear....