Nature News
Nobel prizes are globally unrepresentative — the nomination process must be opened up
Evidence of dead people posed on dead horses found in ancient tomb
Accidental gunpowder blast caused an uproar at London Zoo in 1874
Emergence of a distinct mechanism of C–N bond formation in photoenzymes
What if Marie Curie’s greatest legacy was not her two Nobel prizes?
How to keep research afloat during an administrative stint
Physics Nobel scooped by machine-learning pioneers
Which is the fairest electoral system? Mega-election year sparks debate
Biases in ‘sustainable finance’ metrics could hinder lending to those that need it most
Tips to beat ‘brain drain’: how to foster home expertise from abroad
Unevidenced biodiversity claim should be abandoned — but biodiversity can be counted
Establish global standards to protect childhood cancer genomics data
GPS tracking reveals how hares shape lynx populations
Congress is threatening funding of US firearm-injury prevention research — again
South Korea’s emissions-reduction plan declared unconstitutional in a landmark climate case
Daily briefing: Believe it or not, this lush green landscape is Antarctica
Does the 2024 US election matter to science? Take <i>Nature</i>’s poll
The Israel–Hamas conflict one year on: researcher resilience in the face of war
Life expectancy rise in rich countries slows down: why discovery took 30 years to prove
Can AI have common sense? Finding out will be key to achieving machine intelligence
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