Nature News
My paper was proved wrong. After a sleepless night, here’s what I did next
The Ice Age
The Silk Roads’ mysterious treasures and the dawn of the ‘Hellocene’: Books in brief
Kids in the classroom flow like water vapour
AI scans RNA ‘dark matter’ and uncovers 70,000 new viruses
Daily briefing: Cutting calories extends life — but not the way you think
‘Phenomenal’ tool sequences DNA and tracks proteins — without cracking cells open
AI comes to the Nobels: double win sparks debate about scientific fields
How AI-powered science search engines can speed up your research
Rwanda’s seven steps in seven days for managing Marburg virus
A checklist for delivering the Sustainable Development Goals
Two comb jellies fuse their bodies and then act as one
Daily briefing: AlphaFold developers share Nobel Prize in Chemistry
MicroRNAs won the Nobel — will they ever be useful as medicines?
Google uncovers how quantum computers can beat today’s best supercomputers
This AI powered ‘tongue’ can tell Coke and Pepsi apart
Chemistry Nobel goes to developers of AlphaFold AI that predicts protein structures
‘Cocaine of the seas’ — how a luxury food is wreaking ecological mayhem
Insight into the magnetic properties of atoms from precision spectroscopy on beryllium
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