Nature News
Daily briefing: Mental-health needs rise during PhD
A ‘Swiss army knife’ microscope that doesn’t break the bank
Found in translation
How long COVID could lift the fog on neurocognitive disorders
Largest brain map ever reveals fruit fly’s neurons in exquisite detail
Will the big neuroscience brainstorm pay off?
Strange gamma-ray flickers seen in thunderstorms for the first time
From crevasse falls to polar bears, train fieldwork leaders for emergencies
Glowing γ-rays solve thunderstorm conundrum
Ones to watch: young neuroscientists on the rise
United States sets the pace for implantable brain–computer interfaces
Mysterious form of high-energy radiation spotted in thunderstorms
A guide to the Nature Index
Use citizen science to turbocharge big-data projects
Can flashing lights stall Alzheimer’s? What the science shows
A complete wiring diagram of the fruit-fly brain
CRISPR helps brain stem cells regain youth in mice
Hybrid protein filaments are a surprise twist in neurodegeneration
See a tardigrade ride a worm in the world’s weirdest rodeo — September’s best science images
Inducing novel endosymbioses by implanting bacteria in fungi
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