Nature News
No bandage needed: electrical impulses to major nerve help stop bleeding
Why are some countries so rich? Economics Nobel awarded for study of inequality
‘Doing good science is hard’: retraction of high-profile reproducibility study prompts soul-searching
Is there life on Jupiter’s moon Europa? NASA launches mission to find hints
Lab kit on a budget: how cash-strapped research teams are getting creative
‘Anonymous’ genetic databases vulnerable to privacy leaks
Planning for life on Mars
Coherent growth of high-Miller-index facets enhances perovskite solar cells
Homogenized contact in all-perovskite tandems using tailored 2D perovskite
Strain regulation retards natural operation decay of perovskite solar cells
Isomeric diammonium passivation for perovskite–organic tandem solar cells
Want a new job in science? Six charts to help you land it
Climate change reveals secrets of our ancestors hidden in the ice
Why this PhD candidate joined campus protests against the Israel–Hamas war
Six tips for going public with your lab’s software
Daily briefing: ‘Phenomenal’ tool sequences DNA without cracking cells open
Famed lions’ full diet revealed by DNA — and humans were among their prey
Francisco Lopera obituary: neurologist who traced genetic origin of early-onset Alzheimer’s
How To Win A Nobel: A three minute guide
If the Nobel Prizes were designed today, what would change?
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