Nature News
Fabric that can switch from warming black to cooling white — and back again
AlphaFold reveals how sperm and egg hook up in intimate detail
How do I tell someone that I can’t write them a strong letter of recommendation?
Fixing AI’s energy crisis
Daily briefing: Peer-review reports unsealed for papers by Turing, Watson and Crick
Global conservation priorities for island plant diversity
Star-eating black hole could power cosmic particle accelerator
Most of Earth’s meteorites come from three young asteroid families
Extreme events in Europe have been shaped by the jet stream for 700 years
Glucose has a surprise role in directing cell fate and migration
‘Smart’ insulin prevents diabetic highs — and deadly lows
Smart insulin switches itself off in response to low blood sugar
High-altitude particle detector spots a second Galactic microquasar
Terrestrial photosynthesis inferred from plant carbonyl sulfide uptake
Quantifying constraint in the human mitochondrial genome
Ultra-high-energy gamma-ray bubble around microquasar V4641 Sgr
The cool brown dwarf Gliese 229 B is a close binary
Islands are key for protecting the world’s plant endemism
Dopamine dynamics are dispensable for movement but promote reward responses
High CO<sub>2</sub> dampens then amplifies N-induced diversity loss over 24 years
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