Science Daily Headlines
News at a glance: Plutonium restart, health data trove, and dusting ivory for fingerprints
The latest in science and policy
‘Alarming’ decline of seed-dispersing animals threatens Europe’s plants
First broad look at conservation status of animals that transport seeds raises alarms
Indian government accused of political meddling in science prizes
Researchers suspect they were passed over for major awards after criticizing government policies
Still reeling from Helene, scientists brace for another monster hurricane
As Milton hurtles toward Florida, researchers are rushing to collect data—and already looking ahead to the next disaster
Protein designer and structure solvers win chemistry Nobel
Award honors AI approaches to predicting protein shapes and designing new ones for medicine
Gene therapy dilemma: Treatment that halts brain disease can also cause cancer
New findings cause quandary for parents of boys with deadly condition
What causes the windless doldrums that strand sailors? Find upends previous thinking
Theory suggests sinking tropical air masses, not rising ones, lead to dead calms
Ancient creature was a grizzly-size millipede-centipede hybrid, fossil head reveals
Finding reveals how different arthropod groups could be related to each other
How the elephant got its wrinkles
Origin of the famed creases reveals how the trunk became the “most unbelievable grasping organ on the planet”
In a surprise, AI pioneers win physics Nobel
John Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton honored for early work on artificial neural networks
This jelly is really two in one
Injured sea walnuts can join bodies and thrive again by merging some of their systems
‘Out of the blue’ discovery of RNAs that regulate genes wins Nobel
Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun honored for discovery of microRNAs in worms
Imagining faces in tree trunks and your morning eggs? AI can see them, too
Computers can be trained to exhibit pareidolia, the phenomenon of recognizing faces in objects
Fermilab’s not-quite-new boss aims to end turmoil, boost performance
University of Chicago will again lead a group to manage the United States’s only dedicated particle physics lab
Racial bias can taint the academic tenure process—at one particular point
Black and Hispanic professors fare worse when voters include colleagues who are less familiar with their work, new study finds
‘Amazing’ method traces 18th century smokers—and finds English women puffed away
Novel technique analyzing metabolites of tobacco in bone could be applied to other substances, potentially revising views of past health and behavior
Long-term survival of Congo’s biodiversity threatened by lack of local scientists
Building a cadre of researchers is of “vital importance” to saving the world's second largest rainforest
‘Wall’ of oysters once filled Europe’s coast, historical map reveals
Records from past centuries show vast extent of bivalves before overharvesting, may inspire restoration
Key information about Rwanda’s deadly Marburg outbreak is still missing
Authorities have been slow to release data about cases and how they are connected
Asteroid impact may have turned ants into fungus farmers 66 million years ago
Cataclysm that killed dinosaurs and shook up life on Earth likely paved the way for this mutually beneficial relationship
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