Science Daily Headlines
News at a glance: Florida researchers’ hurricane woes, antimicrobial resistance, and a Jupiter-bound probe
The latest in science and policy
China’s ambitious new space plan includes call to bring home a bit of Venus’s atmosphere
Roadmap outlines 25-year path to leadership in space, including more than 30 science missions
Are diamonds Earth’s best friend? Gem dust could cool the planet
Idea would cost trillions, but could avoid issues with other “geoengineering” schemes
AI can help warring political camps find common ground
Virtual mediation of a mock citizens’ assembly generated more accurate, less biased consensus statements than humanmade ones
How humans evolved a starch-digesting superpower long before farming
Two papers show how agriculture drove gene to duplicate again and again, confirming and extending earlier studies
Most meteorites traced to three space crackups
Young asteroid families seed more than 70% of extraterrestrial rocks found on the planet
Where Kamala Harris and Donald Trump stand on the issues that matter most to scientists
Collaboration with China, high-skills immigration, the future of AI, and STEM training are all at stake in the U.S. presidential election
AI designer proteins could transform medicine and materials
Chemistry Nobel recognizes effort to engineer proteins to carry out novel tasks
Cats beat babies at word-association game
Study suggests our feline friends are listening to us more than we think
Debate erupts about how to deploy experimental Marburg drugs and vaccines in Rwanda
Rwandan government decides against a randomized vaccine trial recommended by WHO
Watch marine biologists crowbar open a teeming realm of life beneath the sea floor
A common tool uncovers a crowded subway for sea creatures living near a hydrothermal vent
Why did an obscure virus explode in Latin America? New study offers clues
Major genetic changes may have made the Oropouche more virulent, researchers say
A mixed review for Plan S’s drive to make papers open access
Evaluation describes unintended effects as funders mull expanding the policy
Belt-tightening budget derails France’s multiyear research funding plan
Amid across-the-board spending cuts, France fails to meet targets for decadelong plan to better support science
House science panel says an ‘absent’ NSF failed to protect Antarctic workers from sexual harassment
Report urges U.S. research agency to make safety a higher priority in new support contract
Things get hairy inside the mouths of man-eating lions
Hairs extracted from broken teeth reveal the infamous cats preyed on more than just humans
As men dominate Nobels again, one of their selectors still sees some slow progress toward greater diversity
A member of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry shares her perspective on how she and others are trying to expand the nomination pool for the famed awards
Missing immune cells may explain why COVID-19 vaccine protection quickly wanes
New insights on what stimulates long-lived antibody production could spur better vaccines
El Niño fingered as likely culprit in record 2023 temperatures
Research suggests swings in Pacific Ocean can account for planet’s sudden and perplexing temperature jump
Twenty years after its discovery, graphene is finally living up to the hype
Atom-thin sheets of carbon are finding applications not just in consumer electronics, but cars, concrete, and brain implants
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