Aging & Longevity

Brain activation in older adults with hypertension and normotension during standing balance task: an fNIRS study

5 months ago
CONCLUSION: The standing balance function of older adults with HT does not appear to be worse based on COP parameters than those of older adults with NT. This study revealed that the changes in the central cortex related to standing balance appear to be more indicative of balance control deficits in older adults with HT than changes in peripheral COP parameters, suggesting the importance of the early evaluation of cortical activation in older adults with HT at risk of falls.
Weichao Fan

A germline-to-soma signal triggers an age-related decline of mitochondrial stress response

5 months ago
The abilities of an organism to cope with extrinsic stresses and activate cellular stress responses decline during aging. The signals that modulate stress responses in aged animals remain to be elucidated. Here, we discover that feeding Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) embryo lysates to adult worms enabled the animals to activate the mitochondrial unfolded protein response (UPR^(mt)) upon mitochondrial perturbations. This discovery led to subsequent investigations that unveil a hedgehog-like...
Liankui Zhou

The brain-body energy conservation model of aging

5 months ago
Aging involves seemingly paradoxical changes in energy metabolism. Molecular damage accumulation increases cellular energy expenditure, yet whole-body energy expenditure remains stable or decreases with age. We resolve this apparent contradiction by positioning the brain as the mediator and broker in the organismal energy economy. As somatic tissues accumulate damage over time, costly intracellular stress responses are activated, causing aging or senescent cells to secrete cytokines that convey...
Evan D Shaulson

Skeletal stem and progenitor cells in bone physiology, ageing and disease

5 months ago
Skeletal stem cells (SSCs) and related progenitors with osteogenic potential, collectively termed skeletal stem and/or progenitor cells (SSPCs), are crucial for providing osteoblasts for bone formation during homeostatic tissue turnover and fracture repair. Besides mediating normal bone physiology, they also have important roles in various metabolic bone diseases, including osteoporosis. SSPCs are of tremendous interest because they represent prime future targets for osteoanabolic therapies and...
Seppe Melis

Overweight and obesity significantly increase colorectal cancer risk: a meta-analysis of 66 studies revealing a 25-57% elevation in risk

5 months ago
The incidence of colorectal cancer (CRC) has been steadily rising, and obesity has been identified as a significant risk factor. Numerous studies suggest a strong correlation between excess body weight and increased risk of CRC, but comprehensive quantification through pooled analysis remains limited. This study aims to systematically review and meta-analyze the existing literature to evaluate the association between obesity and CRC risk, considering variations across sex and study designs. A...
Zoltan Ungvari

Hyperactive mTORC1/4EBP1 signaling dysregulates proteostasis and accelerates cardiac aging

5 months ago
The mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) has a major impact on aging by regulation of proteostasis. It is well established that mTORC1 signaling is hyperactivated with aging and age-related diseases. Previous studies have shown that partial inhibition of mTOR signaling by rapamycin reverses age-related deteriorations in cardiac function and structure in old mice. However, the downstream signaling pathways involved in this protection against cardiac aging have not been established....
Weronika Zarzycka

GWAS of multiple neuropathology endophenotypes identifies new risk loci and provides insights into the genetic risk of dementia

5 months ago
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified >80 Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (ADRD)-associated genetic loci. However, the clinical outcomes used in most previous studies belie the complex nature of underlying neuropathologies. Here we performed GWAS on 11 ADRD-related neuropathology endophenotypes with participants drawn from the following three sources: the National Alzheimer's Coordinating Center, the Religious Orders Study and Rush Memory and Aging Project, and the...
Lincoln M P Shade

Increased levels of extracellular matrix proteins associated with extracellular vesicles from brains of aged mice

5 months ago
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are secreted by all major cell types of the brain, providing a mode of intercellular communication and a pathway for disposal of cellular debris. EVs help maintain healthy brain function, but may also contribute to diseases affecting the brain. EVs might contribute to aging of the brain, as aging-related processes such as inflammation and cellular senescence may alter EV cargo, promoting further inflammation and senescence. However, the effects of aging on brain EVs...
Azariah K Kaplelach

Brown adipose tissue: a potential target for aging interventions and healthy longevity

5 months ago
Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT) is a type of fat tissue that can generate heat and plays an important role in regulating body temperature and energy metabolism. Enhancing BAT activity through medication, exercise and other means has become a potential effective method for treating metabolic disorders. Recently, there has been increasing evidence suggesting a link between BAT and aging. As humans age, the volume and activity of BAT decrease, which may contribute to the development of age-related...
Hongde Li

Biological constraint, evolutionary spandrels and antagonistic pleiotropy

5 months ago
Maximum lifespan differs greatly between species, indicating that the process of senescence is largely genetically determined. Senescence evolves in part due to antagonistic pleiotropy (AP), where selection favors gene variants that increase fitness earlier in life but promote pathology later. Identifying the biological mechanisms by which AP causes senescence is key to understanding the endogenous causes of aging and its attendant diseases. Here we argue that the frequent occurrence of AP as a...
David Gems

Decoding Paradoxical Links of Cytokine Markers in Cognition: Cross talk between Physiology, Inflammaging, and Alzheimer's Disease- Related Cognitive Decline

5 months ago
Recent research has revolutionized our understanding of memory consolidation by emphasizing the critical role of astrocytes, microglia, and immune cells in through cytokine signaling. Cytokines, compact proteins, play pivotal roles in neuronal development, synaptic transmission, and normal aging. This review explores the cellular mechanisms contributing to cognitive decline in inflammaging and Alzheimer's disease, highlighting the paradoxical effects of most studied cytokines (IL-1, IL-6, TNF-α)...
Hiba Khan

Transcript errors generate amyloid-like proteins in huwman cells

5 months ago
Aging is characterized by the accumulation of proteins that display amyloid-like behavior. However, the molecular mechanisms by which these proteins arise remain unclear. Here, we demonstrate that amyloid-like proteins are produced in a variety of human cell types, including stem cells, brain organoids and fully differentiated neurons by mistakes that occur in messenger RNA molecules. Some of these mistakes generate mutant proteins already known to cause disease, while others generate proteins...
Claire S Chung

Systemic determinants of brain health in ageing

5 months ago
Preservation of brain health is a worldwide priority. The traditional view is that the major threats to the ageing brain lie within the brain itself. Consequently, therapeutic approaches have focused on protecting the brain from these presumably intrinsic pathogenic processes. However, an increasing body of evidence has unveiled a previously under-recognized contribution of peripheral organs to brain dysfunction and damage. Thus, in addition to the well-known impact of diseases of the heart and...
Eric E Smith

Implausibility of radical life extension in humans in the twenty-first century

5 months ago
Over the course of the twentieth century, human life expectancy at birth rose in high-income nations by approximately 30 years, largely driven by advances in public health and medicine. Mortality reduction was observed initially at an early age and continued into middle and older ages. However, it was unclear whether this phenomenon and the resulting accelerated rise in life expectancy would continue into the twenty-first century. Here using demographic survivorship metrics from national vital...
S Jay Olshansky
4 hours 19 minutes ago
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