Pain researchers must learn from the opioid crisis
How a ‘pain-o-meter’ could improve treatments
Universities are not just businesses, but an investment in future generations
We are DANI
Non-invasive optogenetic stimulation of distinct stress responses in plants
How pain is misunderstood and ignored in women
A drug-free prescription for pain
Pain: recognizing the power of non-pharmaceutical interventions
Fossils tell tale of devastating mass extinction when Mediterranean dried up
Hundred of species perished 6 million years ago as sea became salt desert
Decisional needs for older adults, home health care nurses and dental hygienists during team-based oral health assessments in ordinary home settings - a qualitative study
CONCLUSION: It is important for key participants in ordinary home settings to participate in interprofessional teams in home health care. To further anchor this in theory, conceptual models for professionals from different care organizations (municipal care, dental care) need to be developed that also involve older adults as participants. Future research could bridge theory and practice by including theories of learning while exploring interorganizational oral health planning in home settings.
Predicting superagers: a machine learning approach utilizing gut microbiome features
CONCLUSION: Our findings demonstrate the machine learning-based predictive models using gut-microbiome features can differentiate superagers from typical agers with a reasonable performance.
The resistance of domestic canine skin-derived fibroblasts to oxidative and non-oxidative chemical injury: implications of breed and body size
Small-breed dogs live significantly longer lives than large-breed dogs, while having higher mass-specific metabolic rates and faster growth rates. Underlying this observed physiological difference across domestic dogs, there must also be differences at other levels of organization that could lead to elucidating what accounts for the disparity in aging rates and life span within this species. At the cellular level, a clear mechanism underlying whole animal traits has not been fully elucidated....
Development, characterization, and replication of proteomic aging clocks: Analysis of 2 population-based cohorts
CONCLUSIONS: In this longitudinal study, we found that the ARIC PACs and published PACs were similarly associated with an increased risk of mortality. These findings suggested that PACs show promise as biomarkers of biological age. PACs may be serve as tools to predict mortality and evaluate the effect of anti-aging lifestyle and therapeutic interventions.
ProNGF elicits retrograde axonal degeneration of basal forebrain neurons through p75<sup>NTR</sup> and induction of amyloid precursor protein
Basal forebrain cholinergic neurons (BFCNs) extend long projections to multiple regions in the brain to regulate cognitive functions. Degeneration of BFCNs is seen with aging, after brain injury, and in neurodegenerative disorders. An increase in the amount of the immature proform of nerve growth factor (proNGF) in the cerebral cortex results in retrograde degeneration of BFCNs through activation of proNGF receptor p75^(NTR). Here, we investigated the signaling cascades initiated at the axon...
Auditory distraction, time perception, and the role of age: ERP evidence from a large cohort study
Cognitive aging is typically associated with a higher susceptibility to distraction by concurrent, but task-irrelevant stimuli. Here, we studied the cognitive sub-processes involved in a sample of 484 healthy adults aged 20-70 years from the Dortmund Vital Study ( NCT05155397). Participants judged the duration of tone stimuli of a random sequence of long and short tones, having either a regular (standard) pitch or rare (deviant) pitch. Deviance-related ERPs were explored,...
Exercise inhibits cellular senescence in pancreatic islets
No abstract
Exercise activates AMPK in mouse and human pancreatic islets to decrease senescence
Beta (β)-cell senescence contributes to type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). While exercise is vital for T2DM management and significantly affects cellular ageing markers, its effect on β-cell senescence remains unexplored. Here, we show that short-term endurance exercise training (treadmill running, 1 h per day for 10 days) in two male and female mouse models of insulin resistance decreases β-cell senescence. In vivo and in vitro experiments revealed that this effect is mediated, at least in part,...
Dysbiosis and fecal microbiota transplant: Contemplating progress in health, neurodegeneration and longevity
The gut-brain axis plays an important role in mental health. The intestinal epithelial surface is colonized by billions of commensal and transitory bacteria, known as the Gut Microbiota (GM). However, potential pathogens continuously stimulate intestinal immunity when they find the place. The last two decades have witnessed several studies revealing intestinal bacteria as a key factor in the health-disease balance of the gut, as well as disease-emergent in other parts of the body. Various...
Sleep disorders and risk of alzheimer's disease: A two-way road
Substantial sleep impairment in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) is one of the emerging points for continued efforts to better understand the disease. Individuals without cognitive decline, an important marker of the clinical phase of AD, may show early alterations in the sleep-wake cycle. The objective of this critical narrative review is to explore the bidirectional pathophysiological correlation between sleep disturbances and Alzheimer's Disease. Specifically, it examines how the...