Nature News
Observation of vortices in a dipolar supersolid
A broadband hyperspectral image sensor with high spatio-temporal resolution
Postsynaptic competition between calcineurin and PKA regulates mammalian sleep–wake cycles
Imaging shapes of atomic nuclei in high-energy nuclear collisions
Intermittent rate coding and cue-specific ensembles support working memory
Cellular ATP demand creates metabolically distinct subpopulations of mitochondria
Ab initio characterization of protein molecular dynamics with AI<sup>2</sup>BMD
Bioelastic state recovery for haptic sensory substitution
Layered hybrid superlattices as designable quantum solids
Automated real-world data integration improves cancer outcome prediction
Central pattern generator control of a vertebrate ultradian sleep rhythm
A multicellular developmental program in a close animal relative
A mechanism for hypoxia-induced inflammatory cell death in cancer
Stochastic neuropeptide signals compete to calibrate the rate of satiation
Mutant-selective AKT inhibition through lysine targeting and neo-zinc chelation
Nucleosome flipping drives kinetic proofreading and processivity by SWR1
Identification and genetic dissection of convergent persister cell states
Immune responses in checkpoint myocarditis across heart, blood and tumour
A cellular basis for mapping behavioural structure
Preferential occurrence of fast radio bursts in massive star-forming galaxies
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