Nature News
Where did viruses come from? AlphaFold and other AIs are finding answers
Daily briefing: Common diabetes drug slows monkey brain-ageing
The Burning Earth: how conquest and carnage have decimated landscapes worldwide
Forget ChatGPT: why researchers now run small AIs on their laptops
Mosquito-borne diseases are surging in Europe — how worried are scientists?
When physicists strove for peace: past lessons for our uncertain times
I fire darts at whales to help track their movements
Islands are rich with languages spoken nowhere else
Daily briefing: Why we choke under pressure
Academics say flying to meetings harms the climate — but they carry on
Plagued by mosquitoes? Try some bite-blocking fabrics
The brain aged more slowly in monkeys given a cheap diabetes drug
This AI chatbot got conspiracy theorists to question their convictions
First private spacewalk a success! What the SpaceX mission means for science
How we slashed our lab’s carbon footprint
Red light, green light: flickering fluorophores reveal biochemistry in cells
Daily briefing: No, Rapa Nui people didn’t destroy their island
Brain region boosts avoidance of unpleasantness and pain — in mice
Why do we crumble under pressure? Science has the answer
Weird signal that baffled seismologists traced to mega-landslide in Greenland
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