Nature News
AARS1 and AARS2 sense <span>l</span>-lactate to regulate cGAS as global lysine lactyltransferases
Jet stream controls on European climate and agriculture since 1300 <span>ce</span>
Human hippocampal and entorhinal neurons encode the temporal structure of experience
Larger and more instructable language models become less reliable
The genetic architecture of protein stability
Transferrin receptor targeting chimeras for membrane protein degradation
Intragenic DNA inversions expand bacterial coding capacity
On human-in-the-loop optimization of human–robot interaction
Future increase in extreme El Niño supported by past glacial changes
Forest fire size amplifies postfire land surface warming
The evolution of private reputations in information-abundant landscapes
Children with Down’s syndrome are more likely to get leukaemia: stem-cells hint at why
A dwarf planet has dirty depths, model suggests
Bronze Age clash was Europe’s oldest known interregional battle
Author Correction: An extra-erythrocyte role of haemoglobin body in chondrocyte hypoxia adaption
H5N1 clade dynamics in experimentally infected calves and cows
Author Correction: High-performance 4-nm-resolution X-ray tomography using burst ptychography
Greening science: what’s in it for you?
Data integrity concerns flagged in 130 women’s health papers — all by one co-author
The trials and triumphs of sustainable science
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