Aging & Longevity
Vaccinations in older adults: Optimization, strategies, and latest guidelines
This article is a summary of the first AGS Symposium entitled "Update on Vaccination Strategies for Older Adults: Matching the Approach to the Individual and the Care Setting." Given declines in host defenses and immune function with aging, vaccinations play a pivotal role in fortifying older adults against preventable infections, resulting diseases, disability, and death. Current guidelines generally list recommendations applicable for an average older adult of a given chronological age....
stSNV: a comprehensive resource of SNVs in spatial transcriptome
Single nucleotide variants (SNVs), as important components of genetic variation, affect gene expression, function and phenotype. Mining and summarizing the spatial distribution of SNVs in diseased and normal tissues for a better understanding of their characteristics and potential roles in cell-lineage determination, aging, or disease occurrence is significant. Herein, we have developed a comprehensive spatial mutation resource stSNV (, which...
Ror2 signaling regulated by differential Wnt proteins determines pathological fate of muscle mesenchymal progenitors
Skeletal muscle mesenchymal progenitors (MPs) play a critical role in supporting muscle regeneration. However, under pathological conditions, they contribute to intramuscular adipose tissue accumulation, involved in muscle diseases, including muscular dystrophy and sarcopenia, age-related muscular atrophy. How MP fate is determined in these different contexts remains unelucidated. Here, we report that Ror2, a non-canonical Wnt signaling receptor, is selectively expressed in MPs and regulates...
Using in vivo intact structure for system-wide quantitative analysis of changes in proteins
Mass spectrometry-based methods can provide a global expression profile and structural readout of proteins in complex systems. Preserving the in vivo conformation of proteins in their innate state is challenging during proteomic experiments. Here, we introduce a whole animal in vivo protein footprinting method using perfusion of reagents to add dimethyl labels to exposed lysine residues on intact proteins which provides information about protein conformation. When this approach is used to...
IL-1alpha in aging tumors
No abstract
Editorial: Model organisms in neuroinflammation and neuropathy: <em>Drosophila melanogaster</em>
No abstract
The reconstruction of evolutionary dynamics of processed pseudogenes indicates deep silencing of "retrobiome" in naked mole rat
Approximately half of mammalian genomes are occupied by retrotransposons, highly repetitive interspersed genetic elements expanded through the mechanism of reverse transcription. The evolution of this "retrobiome" involved a series of explosive amplifications, presumably associated with high mutation rates, interspersed with periods of silencing. A by-product of retrotransposon activity is the formation of processed pseudogenes (PPGs)-intron-less, promoter-less DNA copies of messenger RNA...
Chronic polypharmacy, monotherapy, and deprescribing: Understanding complex effects on the hepatic proteome of aging mice
Polypharmacy (use of ≥5 concurrent medications) is highly prevalent among older adults to manage chronic diseases and is linked to adverse geriatric outcomes, including physical and cognitive functional impairments, falls, frailty, hospitalization, and mortality. Deprescribing (withdrawal) is a potential strategy to manage polypharmacy. The broad molecular changes by which polypharmacy causes harm and deprescribing may be beneficial are unknown and unfeasible to study rigorously in tissue from...
Aging alters the effect of adiponectin receptor signaling on bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells
Adiponectin receptor signaling represents a promising therapeutic target for age-related conditions such as osteoporosis and diabetes. However, the literature presents conflicting evidence regarding the role of adiponectin signaling in bone homeostasis and fracture repair across different health states, ages, and disease conditions. These inconsistencies may arise from the complex endocrine and paracrine feedback mechanisms regulating adiponectin, as well as the variability in adiponectin...
Determinants of depressive symptoms among persons 80 years and older: longitudinal national evidence from the health, aging, and retirement study in Thailand, 2015-2022
CONCLUSIONS: This longitudinal study enhances our understanding of the determinants of depressive symptoms among persons 80 years and older. Strategies to delay or decrease functional disability, chronic conditions, increase physical activity, and improve subjective economic status may help in reducing depressive symptoms.
A pilot randomized controlled trial of a virtual peer-support exercise intervention for female older adults with cancer
CONCLUSIONS: A virtual partner-based exercise intervention for older adults with cancer is feasible and shows preliminary effect benefits. Findings inform future trials aimed at increasing exercise in older adults with cancer.
Early resilience and epigenetic ageing: Results from the prospective Young Finns Study with a 31-year follow-up
Evidence is accumulating on the connection of early adversities and harsh family environment with epigenetic ageing. We investigated whether early psychosocial resilience is associated with epigenetic ageing in adulthood. We used the population-based Young Finns data (n = 1593). Early psychosocial resilience was assessed in 1980-1989 across five broad domains: (1) index of psychological strength (self-esteem at home/in general/at school, perceived possibilities to influence at home, internal...
Understanding perioperative risk determinants in carotid endarterectomy: the impact of compromised circle of Willis morphology on inter-hemispheric blood flow indices based on intraoperative internal carotid artery stump pulse pressure and backflow…
Carotid artery stenosis (CAS) often requires surgical intervention through carotid endarterectomy (CEA) to prevent stroke. Accurate cerebrovascular risk assessments are crucial in CEA, as poor collateral circulation can lead to insufficient interhemispheric blood flow compensation, resulting in ischemic complications. Therefore, understanding perioperative risk determinants is vital. This study aims to determine the impact of compromised circle of Willis (CoW) morphology on inter-hemispheric...
Post-senescence reproductive rebound in Daphnia associated with reversal of age-related transcriptional changes
A long-lived species of zooplankton microcrustaceans, Daphnia magna, sometimes exhibits late-life rebound of reproduction, briefly reversing reproductive senescence. Such events are often interpreted as terminal investments in anticipation of imminent mortality. We demonstrate that such post-senescence reproductive events (PSREs) neither cause nor anticipate increased mortality. We analyze an RNAseq experiment comparing young, old reproductively senescent, and old PSRE Daphnia females. We first...
Clonal hematopoiesis in cardiovascular aging: Insights from the verona heart study
Clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP), marked by the accumulation of somatic mutations in hematopoietic stem cells, significantly elevates the risk of all-cause mortality, mainly due to cardiovascular events. Therefore, investigating this pathophysiological phenomenon is crucial for understanding cardiovascular aging and enhancing both health span and lifespan. In the present study, we examined samples of subjects enrolled within the angiographically controlled Verona Heart...
Dynapenic abdominal obesity and activities of daily living disability among older adults residing in low- and middle-income countries
CONCLUSIONS: DAO was associated with increased odds for ADL disability among older adults from LMICs. Future longitudinal studies are warranted to assess temporal associations, and whether addressing or preventing DAO can impact on future occurrence of disability.
Oxidative stress and cell senescence as drivers of ageing: Chicken and egg
Oxidative stress and cell senescence are both important drivers of ageing and age-associated disease and disability. In vitro, they are closely interconnected in a chicken-and-egg relationship: Not only is oxidative stress an important cause of cell senescence, but senescent cells are also sources of oxidative stress, obscuring cause-effect relationships during the ageing process. We hypothesize that cell senescence is a significant cause of tissue and systemic oxidative stress during ageing....
Nutrient-sensing alteration leads to age-associated distortion of intestinal stem cell differentiating direction
Nutrient-sensing pathways undergo deregulation in aged animals, exerting a pivotal role in regulating the cell cycle and subsequent stem cell division. Nevertheless, their precise functions in governing pluripotent stem cell differentiation remain largely elusive. Here, we uncovered a significant alteration in the cellular constituents of the intestinal epithelium in aged humans and mice. Employing Drosophila midgut and mouse organoid culture models, we made an observation regarding the altered...
Mechanics-informed autoencoder enables automated detection and localization of unforeseen structural damage
Structural health monitoring ensures the safety and longevity of structures like buildings and bridges. As the volume and scale of structures and the impact of their failure continue to grow, there is a dire need for SHM techniques that are scalable, inexpensive, can operate passively without human intervention, and are customized for each mechanical structure without the need for complex baseline models. We present a novel "deploy-and-forget" approach for automated detection and localization of...
Accumulation of F-actin drives brain aging and limits healthspan in Drosophila
The actin cytoskeleton is a key determinant of cell structure and homeostasis. However, possible tissue-specific changes to actin dynamics during aging, notably brain aging, are not understood. Here, we show that there is an age-related increase in filamentous actin (F-actin) in Drosophila brains, which is counteracted by prolongevity interventions. Critically, decreasing F-actin levels in aging neurons prevents age-onset cognitive decline and extends organismal healthspan. Mechanistically, we...
Aging and Longevity: Latest results from PubMed
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