Aging & Longevity

Single-particle imaging of nanomedicine entering the brain

3 months 2 weeks ago
Nanomedicine has emerged as a revolutionary strategy of drug delivery. However, fundamentals of the nano-neuro interaction are elusive. In particular, whether nanocarriers can cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and release the drug cargo inside the brain, a basic process depicted in numerous books and reviews, remains controversial. Here, we develop an optical method, based on stimulated Raman scattering, for imaging nanocarriers in tissues. Our method achieves a suite of...
Mian Wei

Reductions in premature deaths from heat and particulate matter air pollution in South Asia, China, and the United States under decarbonization

3 months 2 weeks ago
Following a sustainable development pathway designed to keep warming below 2 °C will benefit human health. We quantify premature deaths attributable to fine particulate matter (PM(2.5)) air pollution and heat exposures for China, South Asia, and the United States using projections from multiple climate models under high- and low-emission scenarios. Projected changes in premature deaths are typically dominated by population aging, primarily reflecting increased longevity leading to greater...
Drew Shindell

Phosphate starvation signaling increases mitochondrial membrane potential through respiration-independent mechanisms

3 months 2 weeks ago
Mitochondrial membrane potential directly powers many critical functions of mitochondria, including ATP production, mitochondrial protein import, and metabolite transport. Its loss is a cardinal feature of aging and mitochondrial diseases, and cells closely monitor membrane potential as an indicator of mitochondrial health. Given its central importance, it is logical that cells would modulate mitochondrial membrane potential in response to demand and environmental cues, but there has been little...
Yeyun Ouyang

Endothelial leakiness elicited by amyloid protein aggregation

3 months 3 weeks ago
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a major cause of dementia debilitating the global ageing population. Current understanding of the AD pathophysiology implicates the aggregation of amyloid beta (Aβ) as causative to neurodegeneration, with tauopathies, apolipoprotein E and neuroinflammation considered as other major culprits. Curiously, vascular endothelial barrier dysfunction is strongly associated with Aβ deposition and 80-90% AD subjects also experience cerebral amyloid angiopathy. Here we show...
Yuhuan Li

Distinguishing between driver and passenger mechanisms of aging

3 months 3 weeks ago
Understanding why we age is a long-standing question, and many mechanistic theories of aging have been proposed. Owing to limitations in studying the aging process, including a lack of adequate quantitative measurements, its mechanistic basis remains a subject of debate. Here, I explore theories of aging from the perspective of causal relationships. Many aging-related changes have been observed and touted as drivers of aging, including molecular changes in the genome, telomeres, mitochondria,...
João Pedro de Magalhães

Depletion of SAM leading to loss of heterochromatin drives muscle stem cell ageing

3 months 3 weeks ago
The global loss of heterochromatin during ageing has been observed in eukaryotes from yeast to humans, and this has been proposed as one of the causes of ageing. However, the cause of this age-associated loss of heterochromatin has remained enigmatic. Here we show that heterochromatin markers, including histone H3K9 di/tri-methylation and HP1, decrease with age in muscle stem cells (MuSCs) as a consequence of the depletion of the methyl donor S-adenosylmethionine (SAM). We find that restoration...
Jengmin Kang

Causality-enriched epigenetic age uncouples damage and adaptation

3 months 3 weeks ago
Machine learning models based on DNA methylation data can predict biological age but often lack causal insights. By harnessing large-scale genetic data through epigenome-wide Mendelian randomization, we identified CpG sites potentially causal for aging-related traits. Neither the existing epigenetic clocks nor age-related differential DNA methylation are enriched in these sites. These CpGs include sites that contribute to aging and protect against it, yet their combined contribution negatively...
Kejun Ying

Trametinib ameliorates aging-associated gut pathology in <em>Drosophila</em> females by reducing Pol III activity in intestinal stem cells

3 months 3 weeks ago
Pharmacological therapies are promising interventions to slow down aging and reduce multimorbidity in the elderly. Studies in animal models are the first step toward translation of candidate molecules into human therapies, as they aim to elucidate the molecular pathways, cellular mechanisms, and tissue pathologies involved in the anti-aging effects. Trametinib, an allosteric inhibitor of MEK within the Ras/MAPK (Ras/Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase) pathway and currently used as an anti-cancer...
Enric Ureña

Slow closure of Earth's carbon cycle

3 months 3 weeks ago
Carbon near the Earth's surface cycles between the production and consumption of organic carbon; the former sequesters carbon dioxide while the latter releases it. Microbes attempt to close the loop, but the longer organic matter survives, the slower microbial degradation becomes. This aging effect leaves observable quantitative signatures: Organic matter decays at rates that are inversely proportional to its age, while microbial populations and concentrations of organic carbon in ocean...
Daniel H Rothman

Organelle proteomic profiling reveals lysosomal heterogeneity in association with longevity

3 months 3 weeks ago
Lysosomes are active sites to integrate cellular metabolism and signal transduction. A collection of proteins associated with the lysosome mediate these metabolic and signaling functions. Both lysosomal metabolism and lysosomal signaling have been linked to longevity regulation; however, how lysosomes adjust their protein composition to accommodate this regulation remains unclear. Using deep proteomic profiling, we systemically profiled lysosome-associated proteins linked with four different...
Yong Yu
40 minutes 3 seconds ago
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